
this is the only page avaible right now, i'm working on the other ones

I made this website to talk about my ideas, I don't really talk about them because I don't have anyone around me who enjoy this stuff. I really spent a lot of time of my life online, I've been websurfing since I'm like 5 years old, it's been my main source of entertainment since then, and since my discoverage of fangames and other things with the help of YouTube, I really can't stop my fascination of the stuff happening here on the internet.

So basically for people to get more info about my games. Well, I don't have any of my games currently done or playable but I still want to make them so you'll just have to stay here to see if there's any news

The website is WIP, I don't want to put much stuff on the website for now so that's why there's only this. I'm working on the links I put on my list and will work on other pages later.

Don't want to reveal too much, plus this stuff I'm working on could be abandoned as litteraly everything I evermade, but it doesn't mean I'm not enjoying it. I do it for the fun and only that, that's why I'm letting myself be unproductive.

I love fangames, so here's ideas (nothing was made for now) that I have of my own:

Yeahh I know very cringe because they're very specific fangames. And of course made on cringe stuff like Roblox (omg really??) and GDevelop. But if you're interested about cringe stuff you can continue reading my yap just below.

I know making games like UFN or File Corruption might be unoriginal because, y'know the gameplay already exist, I've played Dimensional Coalescence a while ago and didn't like it, because you need to make these fangame different, I'm not too sure File Corruption is different enough, and I'm not focused on that game currently, it's been I started thinking about 1 year ago. But I really thought on how to make UFN good, and I really think it could work. Still these are ideas, and nothing's made

I only know how to code in GDevelop for now, it's really fun I actually can make really cool things for 2D games, for the 3D... I mean I managed to make a Baldi test game*, only thing that looked worse than the original game was the transparent wall texture since GDevelop is a bit bad at rendering transparent sprites that don't have transparent borders (windows basically). For Roblox, I'm currently beginning to learn it, BrawlBattle's tutorial series are really good, so I'm using them to learn Roblox Studio, also tweaked around with Fusion Swarly's template animatronic model and made a Candy model! I think his style will fit my game because of its theme of FNAF fangames.

*The game only has a basic Baldi AI, with the only item being the Zesty Bar. Only cool thing about this "game" is that you can play it in multiplayer and collect books around the school, but it that has no npcs other than Baldi and empty rooms, so there's nothing to really do. And also I'm not expanding it, as long as I stop focusing on UFN.

I also want to make YouTube videos, although since I'm french you'll have to just try to understand it with the translated subtitles. Same thing, I want to do videos for my own fun.